“If you don’t like what you’ve got, why don’t you change it?
If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it!
Raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell!”
— Trooper, Raise A Little Hell
So, it’s that time again. Â That time where I swear I’m going to start updating my blog. Â This time, things are a little different.
I like writing in the blog. Â I’m usually a little shocked when I realize someone actually reads the damned thing (and apparently I LOOK shocked when someone brings up a topic I mentioned in the blog during a real-world conversation), but I share it anyway. Â I’m also usually a little shocked when I look at the stats, and see how many people have read it. Â Usually, it’s in the hundreds of people per month range, though “readership” is slowly falling off.
I’ve mentioned before it’s not that I don’t write in it – it’s that I don’t finish the entries. Â I’ll start one, get almost done, and walk away from it. Â It’s stuck in permanent draft status, never to see the world at large.
Why would this time be different than before? Â Well, I can’t say for certain it will be. Â But, things have changed a bit. Â I’ve gotten used to doing things as a routine. Â Take my “Selfie A Day” thing – it happens ALMOST every day. Â There’s been some misses – I’m on selfie #176, but today is actually the #212th day of the year. Â And, some of those days I actually have a selfie for, it just never got used. Â 🙂

The other thing that’s changed is I’m more “write on demand” now. Â I can sit down and more often than not push through and finish an article – because, often, I’m getting paid to write. Â I do it once or twice a week already, and I’m looking for more clients (hey, need content for your site or magazine? Â I’m your guy. Â Call me. 😉 ) Â It’s my largest single source of income at the moment, which is a little scary. Â Though, I’ll be changing that in the future, and picking up a part-time gig doing something more physical.
My self-discipline for this sort of thing has gotten better. Â I’m fairly happy with that little factoid.
Why start today? Â Well, it’s my birthday. Â So, it’s as good of time as any to get started. Â And, at the moment, my life is getting ready to go through a radical change again – though, I’m not precisely sure where it’s going! Â Woohoo, a big, scary adventure to take on! Â Now, it would just cause me a little less stress 😉
So, what am I writing about? Â Well, this is my Book of Many Things. Â Anything I feel like writing about is what’s going to get written.
Once I get back to working out (I’m on hold while I find a new place: I’m intentionally letting myself no longer be comfortable and at home here, to keep myself better motivated), so you’ll hear a bit about that on here. Â And, unfortunately for some people, I’ll be doing a shirtless selfie a day that’s only for the blog, so I keep myself more motivated to work out. Â I dislike myself shirtless, and find it embarrassing. Â A little bit of psychology of motivation at work – if you’re uncomfortable with something, you’re more likely to change it. Â But, there’s not going to be tons about it on here.
You’ll hear about the projects I work on like SpeakEasySpecials and League Sports Page. Â And, the clients I work with like Plumb Crazy Kansas and Advanced Mobile Healthcare. Â I may do it as a piece of “what I did today” in each post, talking about, well, what I accomplished. Â Another bit of motivation.
Then there’s my various ramblings about everything from movies to my life. Â It’s a snapshot of whatever the hell goes through my ADHD addled brain 😉
Though, one thing I keep wanting to bring back is something I did when I first started blogging ages ago: Â a snippet of lyrics from whatever song is in my head. Â Though, I’ll one-up that a bit, and include the song it’s self. Â That way, if ya’ want, you can scroll down to the bottom, hit play, and have some tunes to listen to while you read. 🙂
Life’s been pretty interesting, and it’s only going to get more interesting. Â I’m on the cusp of so many things right now – time to raise a little hell….