Got my troubles on hold
Just drivin’ down that highway
My fossil fuel’s good as gold
I’m lookin for that long lost road
No sign of man, no sign of life
— Sammy Hagar, “Privacy”
I’m jazzed about it because… well, I’m always jazzed to hit the road really. Nice long streach of road with just me, my thoughts, and the radio. The downside is cash is tight (as usual) to the point of not being sure if I can make it there any back (but, I’ve already setup a contengency just in case I run into problems. I THINK I’ll make it.)
I already travel tested the new Mini luggable setup (lugged it to Brandon’s and back, which isn’t a real long trip), and it should work well. Even found a very low-tech way to handle the problem of no place for the keyboard – velcro dots on the edge of the monitor, and vecro dots on the back of the keyboard. Even helps protect the screen a bit 🙂
Kenosha, here I come! (Again.)
Safe travels!!!