I wear a speedo now. Fear me. Fear the white pasty still a little out of shape 30 year old 😉 Actually, I don’t look too bad in it really… heck, Heabo asked me how I managed to look better in my speedo rather than my shorts. I kinda thought that was funny.
A new thing added to the routine – tanning. I’m going to make an attempt to become tan. My muscle structure will show a little better that way (of course, it would show even better if there was just a little less fat on it 😉
I’ve been invited by the president of Garage Games to be a speaker or panelist at the first IGF (Indie Game Festival – not sure what the acronym is really – it’s a big game development gathering that will be happening in Eugene, Or.) Heabo and I are plannin’ to try and make the trip somehow – I’m sure we’ll come up with a way to pull it off 🙂 Actually, if I can get ahold of a friend of mine up there, I might see if he might be interested in providing us crash space while we are there.
Needless to say, the invitation is awsome. While I never looked for it before, this definitely makes me feel a little more ‘legitamate’ – I’ve now been around long enough and doing this long enough that I’ve been asked to tell others about it. Cool – good for the ego, I suppose 🙂
Well, I’m going to get involved in Night Of The Living Zoo this year, and am going to be a randoml unnamed Jedi. Clayton asked if I would help out with choriography (however that’s spelled), and I said no problem. Of course, the minute you put a sword in my hand (well, a stick. A glowing one at that 😉 I’m all over it, and decided to get involved. However, I’m not spending $300 on a light-saber like part of the group did – instead, I plan on spending $30 to build me one (and another $50 to build Heabo’s – she is Darth Maul, which means she needs a double-ended light saber.) I had already checked out some of the components before, but, the only electro-luminesence type stuff I could find is wire – after some thinking and a suggestion from Heabo, I managed to come up with a way to get the 5 mm double-core EL wire have as much solidness light-wise as the much larger EL surfaces of the $300 saber. granted, I’m not going to construct the handles out of aluminum – I really don’t feel that ambitious, and the room for error working that way would be too tight for my tastes. The design is simple, eligant, and rugged – the drivers for the EL wire is a nice little unit the size of a quarter designed to take abuse. Once it’s mounted and anti-shocked in the handle, you can do anything you want, and that sucker can break 🙂
Home loan is pretty much done with – thank the gods of banking for that.
Trajectory is getting ‘close’ – we’ve got audio working for the most part, but, are having problems with distances. Explosions work great, up close. But some of these need to be heard for quite a distance. Models are still a problem – haven’t found a modeler yet 🙁 Other than that, things are going well on that front 🙂
OK, time for bed 🙂