The Basis Fitness Thing:
So, I’ve got a new toy. Â I hadn’t planned on buying one this month, but, it ends up being Kat and I’s Valentine’s Day Present to each other (and ourselves). Â She had purchased and tried a FitBit Flex, and didn’t much care for it. Â We both had researched the fitness band concept, and my choice was the Basis, which looks a great deal more like a watch than the rest of the fitness bands. Â Honestly, it reminds me, size wise, of the old Casio watches from the mid-80’s. Â Big, sort of clunky. Â But, I wasn’t as nearly as interested in style as I was the functionality.

FitBit and the rest of them tend to be overpowered pedometers. Â What I wanted was something that actually pulled in performance data (keeping in mind that whole numbers geek and quantification thing) – heart rate, blood pressure, sleep data (important to me, because I don’t think I’m sleeping as well at night as I should be), and a few other things. Â Well, I don’t get blood pressure, but, I get heart rate and a ton of other data, including the sleep quality stuff I wanted. Â FitBit “sort of” does sleep quality – it can detect tossing and turning. Â But, the Basis does quite a bit more, since it’s sensor array has accelerometers, sweat, heart rate, skin temperature, and at least one other thing I can’t remember. Â That ends up giving you light sleep, REM, disturbances, heavy sleep, and durations – a pretty solid picture of how you’re actually sleeping at night.
Oh, and when you turn your Basis to face you? Â It turns on the backlight automatically. Â How cool is that?
Since it already has all the sensors, they have been adding new abilities along the way. Â For instance, the advanced sleep analysis stuff that I mentioned was released in January 2014. Â So, they have a solid product, and they’re updating it. Â Awesome!
The reason for buying them ended up being that Kat returned her FitBit, and about the same time Basis announced a Valentine’s Day sale – it ended up being $90 off a pair of Basis B1’s, which make the price not so bad. Â The not so funny part about it is I’m on hiatus from working out until I get my back and my hip fixed up. Â So, I’m not going to get serious use out of it for a bit. Â But, given the price discount, it was definitely time (Kat ended up paying for the bulk of them – until the Jumpman Forever OUYA beta comes out, I’m broke.)
And, when it comes to being broken, I’ve also got one of those “insult to injury” moments going on – I now have a bit of a cold, too. Â Bleh. Â Two colds in a row? Â This is almost unheard of for me. Â I wonder if my back being completely out of whack now lowered the rest of my defenses?
Anyway, in a couple of weeks I’ll post my thoughts on the Basis after I’ve had a chance to really experience it! 🙂
The Final (Beta) Level
I did manage to finish the last of the levels for the OUYA beta of Jumpman Forever.
So, here’s my take on the levels – the Jumpman levels are fun, and challenging. Â The levels for Red are better. Â Part of the real fun behind her levels starts with level 2, “Smart Bullets 2.0”, where I end up introducing a new game mechanic that really keeps the player moving. Â With the original Jumpman, you had to move – but, you could just spend your time side-stepping the Alienator bullets if you wanted to. Â With smart bullets 2.0, it’s no longer an option – they destroy the environment around you. Or, they bounce, depending on the type of girder. Â Plus, I felt I was able to let loose a little more with Red’s levels. Â With Jumpman’s levels, I feel I have to stay very true to the concepts and level design behind the original game. Â With Red, however, I don’t have the same constraint. Â Double jump gives her slightly more mobility, and the new bomb difusal mechanic for Red keeps the player moving around the level a lot. Â There’s enough combination of random and static elements, plus dynamic environments, to really pack a punch.
Tomorrow, I get to cleanup User Interface and sound stuff. Â Then, we’re ready to roll!