Holding Off A Short Bit
I decided to hold off just a short bit on the next quitting smoking attempt. Call it superstitious, but, my last fairly successful attempt started on a Saturday night / Sunday morning. And, well, there might be something to that. If I think it’s going to work better, then it probably will. But, part if it may have a basis in fact. I smoke like crazy on Saturday nights in a social setting, then, sleep in a bit on Sunday morning, there’s no work pressing, just stuff that Kat and I would like to get done.
So, I’ll continue to smoke a bit until then. I’m looking forward to this. Except that withdrawal part 😉
The Magazine Backing Agreement Signed!
I’ve mentioned before that there was a backer coming along for the two magazine sites (three, really, though the third won’t be launching for a while).  Well, today we met and signed the agreement!
While it’s not a huge amount of money (this is a shoestring budget thing), it is mind-blowingly awesome.  I sat down with the list of things I want to accomplish with Residential Aliens Magazine and Fear & Trembling Magazine.  It’s fairly ambitious, but, nothing on the list is too hard to do.  I’m not going to detail out all the things we’re going to try and do at the moment.  A good chunk of the reason
The Site Gets A Logo

Yeah, OK, this is sort of weird and random.  I was fixing something else entirely (well, I think I’m fixing it, anyway – still having problems with Facebook bothering to handle the auto-publisher), and… well, I guess I just had a weird stroke of creativity, and realized I had a template that would be PERFECT for the site.  Some quick tweaking and hacking, now my blog has a brand.  Not that it ever needed it, but, now I have it.  Behold the awesomeness! 😉
Fixing That Broken Piece
So, for a couple days in a row I’ve complained about a broken bit of the site.  It’s supposed to just go head and publish it’s self in the morning, without any intervention on my part.  Plus, it’s supposed to echo those posts onto Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  But… it wasn’t working at all with Facebook.  Come to find out, something seemingly unrelated had gotten updated after all!  It was some Search Engine Optimization stuff, and to be honest, I hadn’t bothered keeping up with SEO on this site.  People find me here anyway, but, that was also tied into how Facebook saw the site.  Now that I’ve tweaked that out a bit, hopefully it will actually post on it’s own tomorrow 🙂
Today’s Stats
- [skill_bar heading=”Workouts: 0 Points” percent=”0%”]
- [skill_bar heading=”Smoking: 0 Points ” percent=”0%”]
- [skill_bar heading=”Healthy Eating: 1 Points” percent=”42%”]
Projects Worked on:
- Worked on info for Residential Aliens Magazine / Fear And Trembling Magazine distribution
- Jumpman Forever
- Unnamed Weather App Marketing Material