Money was really tight this year. At the same time, it Kat and I’s first Hanukkah as a married couple, and I wanted to do something fun with it 🙂 Fortunately, fun isn’t always expensive.
So, a few bucks at the various dollar stores and Big Lots, I got an interesting list of things for Kat, one for each day of Chaunakka, plus a bonus one for both of us:
- Play-Dough
- Silly Putty
- Those little pastic faux-stained glass stuff you paint
- Blue lights for the house (which I count as an “us” gift)
- A stylus for her iPhone
- Headphones for her workouts
- Baloonies (the liquid plastic stuff you blow plastic bubbles with)
- Growing crystals
- Glow in the dark stars and planets to hang in her office
I know – it’s a lot of kids stuff, really, but we’ve already had fun with it. Yes, both of us are kids are kids at heart 🙂 It doesn’t take much to make kids happy 😉