More work on Boulder Panic! 2 (DX), Jumpman: 2049 research, and Summit Software drops the ball…
Boulder Panic! 2 is now turning into Boulder Panic! 2 DX. As you might figure from the name, BP!2 DX is a DirectX 8 implementation of Boulder Panic! 2 – it’s the update I’ve been working on for seemingly FOREVER now. I keep getting close to finishing it, then changing my mind on how this or that is going to be implemented in this version. Really need to finish this up, and send it to eGames and get it done with. However, looking at my schedule, I’m going to have 10 days off from my ‘day job’, which should finally result in me releasing Boulder Panic! 2 DX. I’m basically to the point of re-programming some of the menus and in-game displays (adding the ‘restart level’ button too 😉 Everything is looking good. Now all I need is that time to finish the game…
I did some research for Jumpman: 2049 for the last couple of days bewteen working on Boulder Panic! 2 DX and doing business stuff. Look under the Jumpman Games section for more information on Ultimate Wizard, a Jumpman knockoff done back in the C64 era. It also provides a little more information on Jumpman’s abilitites in Jumpman: 2049.
Summit Software dropped the ball on the VBA contract with MS. Basically, the contract draft just got to MS legal today. OOPS. No big thing, really – someone somewhere misscommunicated, and it didn’t get done. It’s not much of a setback – I don’t need to contract to do the integration, just to actually release the game. So it doesn’t affect development, just all the nerdy business stuff got set back by a couple of days. Such is the way it goes…
The fun part is, it delays doing something that I’m dredding – writing my first press released. I’d much rather have BP!2 DX completed before I have to release a press release (and garner attention for MidnightRyder.Com), so this may work out perfectly. (The minute the contract is signed by both parties, I’m expected to pump out a press release and send it out to all the nessisary places. *SIGH* Speaking in market-speak is NOT my thing. Oh well – I guess I’ll just have to get use to doing it from time to time!)
Also, Matty’s Jumpman Lounge got a big update today, pimping Jumpman II, Jumpman Project, and Jumpman: 2049. Also, he pimped the Jumpman Games discussion area for me too – cool! Matty MAY be moving – his fan site has gotten the attention of ClassicGaming.Com, and he may become one of thier hosted sites – too cool for him!
This brings up one of the problems – a lack of discussion here at MidnightRyder.Com. I’ve set everything up to support it, but, almost no one is using it. Any ideas how to improve this, people?
Midnight Ryder
AKA Davis Ray Sickmon, Jr
President, MidnightRyder.Com
“Gettin’ had, Gettin’ took
“I tell ya folks, it’s harder than it looks!
“It’s a long way to the top, if ya wanna rock & roll…
Web Site Activity [76]
by Randy Glover on Tuesday, December 19 @01:59PM
It’s going to take a small group of dedicated individuals to keep up the activity fresh so that critical mass can be reached. What the critical mass might be for this web site is unknown. I’ll do my best to post regularly. As time passes perhaps more and more people will drop by to check up on the latest.
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I hope so… [77]
by MidnightRyder on Tuesday, December 19 @02:10PM
I hope I get enough people posting here from time to time to keep people comming back to see what’s up. One of the biggest helps here is Matty’s Jumpman Lounge – Matty keeps track of what’s going on here (and at Jumpman 2 and the Jumpman Project) and posts quick entries there, so people know what’s changed. That gets people in here, but, I think the problem is that they don’t see any conversation going on, and leave.
Thanks for all your support, Randy 🙂
Midnight Ryder
AKA Davis Ray Sickmon, Jr
President, MidnightRyder.Com
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Free Press [78]
by Matty on Wednesday, December 20 @08:58AM
It’s so nice to get spoken of in such glowing terms when I’m not really doing anything constructive… you are the guys who are writing the games after all.ÂÂ
About your press release Davis – maybe you should get someone to do it for you. It can make a big difference when the author has some experience with it. Know anyone in marketing?ÂÂ
Randy, it’s great to see you contributing. I love Jumpman – I’ve been playing it for about 15 years now & it’s still fun. I don’t suppose you’re planning on releasing another test version of J2 any time in the near future?ÂÂ
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Got it covered… Sorta. [80]
by MidnightRyder on Wednesday, December 20 @09:23AM
It’s so nice to get spoken of in such glowing terms when I’m not really doing anything constructive… you are the guys who are writing the games after all.
Well, acording to my stats, I’ve got 112 hits that originate from within your pages – that\s not tons, and doesn\t cover people who right click and say ‘Open in new window’. But it’s more people – in particular, people interested in the product I’m developing. You may consider it nothing, but, it’s a huge favor to me 🙂
About your press release Davis – maybe you should get someone to do it for you. It can make a big difference when the author has some experience with it. Know anyone in marketing?
Got it covered, for the most part. Tomarrow I will officially sign the Client Services Agreement with Wichita Technology Company (who I refer to as the money people – they are VCs, among other things.) What’s important about that is that I’m essentially purchasing a management team while I’m at it – and as you might guess, at least one of thems expertiese is in marketing 🙂 I also have a old friend who has worked as a software purchaser for a chain store, and worked as a software seller to chain stores – he knows a little about it. Plus, I’m sure I could get Ryan Hagan of IncaGold USA to gander at it real quick too, and tell me what he thinks (Ryan is a cool guy who I talk to nearly daily that heads up IncaGold USA division – combination software development house, agent for developers, and they own a publishing title.) So I should have it covered… I think. But, I do intend to try and avoid it reading completely as market-droid speak, and have a sense of humor… I just can’t be conventional about it 🙂
Midnight Ryder
AKA Davis Ray Sickmon, Jr
President, MidnightRyder.Com
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