The way it was and will be

I walked away wordlessly, giving no reason for the sudden silence from me.  She never asked – it’s just the way it was.

I couldn’t tell her why I went away, the words would have hurt her to the core.  Sometimes truth hurts more than we would like – that’s just the way it is.

I walk my path alone again, my heart filled only with memory.  Someday someone will fill it again – that’s just the way it will be.

I had a moment, that nagging worry that she’s in trouble.  That weird connection that still bonds us – that’s the way it always was.

I reached out, and reconnected.  She reached back, and we touched momentarily, everything rushing back into my heart – that’s just the way it always is.

I know the cycle has repeated over the years, loosing contact and reconnecting.  One of us reaching for the other, never quite complete without the other – that’s just the way it will always be.


———— Writing Notes ———–

More, er, musings caused by a combination of my writing on “Muse”, and a bit of real life. Not quite sure if I like it or not, but heck with it – I posted it anyway :-)


———– Additional Notes ———–

Now looking at this two years after it’s written, I still don’t care for it that much.  It’s not horrible but, it’s not particularly good either.


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