Yep, a new year, and a new attempt at getting the blog back up and running 🙂
Of course, I’m under now illusion that I’ll actually manage to do something like blog everyday, or to video blog everyday.  But, I’m going to try and ignore both of them.  I plan on doing a little of both – each way has it’s own unique style.  And, well, some people prefer one way to the other, too.  I’m more of a reader, personally – I can through a page of text way faster than listen to someone else yammer on in a YouTube video.  However, not everyone is that way.  Plus, both of them are good practice for me. 🙂
Since it’s January 1st, the usual question gets thrown out:  any new years resolutions?  Not really – I suppose quit smoking and improve my body (I’m plenty strong, but I’d like to lose that gut again).  But, none of it’s really hard set resolutions.  2015, since I’ll be single, is pretty much about me doing a lot of work to solidify my future – physical, mental, and financial.  I’ve got lots of new stuff I want to try this year (Game In A Weekend on most weekend, for instance).  I’m not saying being single is a good thing, or preferable to married life.  But, since I’m in this situation, it’s time to make the best of it, and focus on me (well, and saving the world 😉
Tomorrow, I’ll post a bit more about what I’ve got in mind for 2015 – right now, this first post is just about dusting off the blog, making a few changes, and getting it up and running again (it wasn’t broken from the user standpoint, but caching was causing interesting issues on the administration side of things, including having it do weird things like ignore when I published something 🙂 )  Having accomplished that, it’s off to the next thing! 🙂
Happy New Year, and may out all find Shalom (peace and fulfillment) in it with the friends, family, and loved ones!
Davis Ray Sickmon, Jr